Immigration Resources

Each year thousands of adults, families and children, migrate to the US to escape violence and abuse, or reunite with their family. Undocumented immigrants children and their families are an extremely vulnerable population. The Women’s Building works to provide education to these immigrant families through our various programs. From ensuring clients know their rights to providing support through their immigrations proceedings and seeking legal representation.
Cada año, miles de adultos, familias y niños migran a los Estados Unidos para escapar de la violencia y el abuso, o para reunirse con sus familias. Los niños inmigrantes indocumentados y sus familias son una población extremadamente vulnerable. El edificio de mujeres trabaja para brindar información y educar a estas familias inmigrantes a través de nuestros diversos programas. Es importante que ellos sepan sus derechos y también se les brinde apoyo en sus procedimientos de búsqueda de representación legal.
Immigration Clinic/ Clínica de inmigración
Asesoría Legal- Consultas gratuitas disponibles en inglés y español con un abogado de inmigración. Cada Primer Martes del mes de 3:00pm-5:00pm y Tercer Martes del mes de 10:00am-12:00pm Cita requirida. |
Legal Aid – Free consultations in English and Spanish with an immigration lawyer Every First Tuesday of the month from 3:00pm-5:00pm and the Third Tuesday of the month from 10:00am-12:00pm . Appointment required. |
Please visit the Ready CA Legal Directory or Immigration Advocates Network Legal Directory to search for all nonprofit organizations providing free or low-cost immigration services in your area.
Visite Ready CA Legal Directory o Immigration Advocates Network Legal Directory para buscar otras organizaciones sin fines de lucro que brindan servicios de ayuda legal de inmigración gratuita o de bajo costo en su área.
Other resources available | Otros recursos disponibles :
- Detention Watch Network, Take Action
- United We Dream, Get Involved
- National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)
- Protecting Immigrant Families
- Al Otro Lado
Family Reunification
Get updated information, resources, and ways to take action in support of unaccompanied immigrant children and their families. Learn More
Take Action!
Last updated 2/1/2022
Active Petitions impacting UAC’s, Family separation, Asylum seekers
Biden: Commit to close the #FirstTen immigrant detention centers!
“First Ten to Communities Not Cages” campaign is demanding the shut down of 10 immigration detention facilities in the first year of the Biden administration. ‘First Ten’ is the next phase of DWN’s national Communities Not Cages campaign to shut down Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers, stop the expansion and construction of new facilities and ultimately abolish the detention system in its entirety. The ‘First Ten’ detention centers are emblematic of how the immigration detention system as a whole is inherently abusive, unjust and fatally flawed beyond repair.
Tell Congress to #DefundHate!
The Defund Hate Campaign is led by a coalition of organizations that represent directly impacted immigrant communities, faith leaders, and civil and immigrant rights advocates. We are committed to divestment from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP), agencies that tear apart loved ones and harm our communities. Instead, we want our tax dollars used to strengthen our families and communities. We are committed to investment in education, housing, green infrastructure and health care programs that create thriving communities.
Red Card
All people in the United States, regardless of their immigration status have certain rights and protections under the U.S constitutions. These red cards have been provided to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in situations where ICE agents attempt to enter homes. You can carry this card with you or have it by your door.
If you would like a card contact us 415-431-1180 x 11 and request one.
Print yours at home – Spanish
Prints yours at home – English
Todas las personas en los Estados Unidos, independientemente de su estatus migratorio, tiene ciertos derechos y protecciones bajo la constitución. Estas tarjetas rojas se han repartido a personas para ayudarles a hacer valer sus derechos y defenderse en situaciones en las que agentes de ICE intentan ingresar a sus hogares. Pueden llevar esta tarjeta con usted o tenerla cerca de su puerta en su hogar.
Si necesita una tarjeta comuníquese con nosotros al 415-431-1180 x11 y solicite una.
Imprime el tuyo en casa – Español
Imprime el tuyo en casa- Inglés
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